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 Communications BA and Cultural Management MA with experience in change management and Organizational and cultural communication. I create, build and develop innovative ways to promote cultural changes.

Anchor 1
  • Analítica S.A.S 

Change Management Coordinator

March 2020 - Present

Leader, builder, and coordinator of change management strategies both internally and with clients.

  • Positrips. On-line
Partner / Commercial lead
August 2019 - PresentCommunication strategy development, social networks and sales coordinator. Organization and coordination of personalized trips through Peru and Colombia; consolidation of alliances with tourism agents in Peru and Colombia; content creation of visual materials for social media.
  • Cultproject. Madrid Spain.
Social communicator.
March 2019 - September 2019
Development of online and offline communication strategies for clients in the cultural sector. Movement of social networks, writing press releases and creation of visual and audiovisual content.
  • Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública
Communications consultant. Cultural Change Group.
August 2016- June 2018
Assist the General Direction of the Public Function in the elaboration of pedagogical tools and methodologies of communication for the strategy of cultural change that seeks to improve and to strengthen the institutional capacity of the public sector.
  • Agencia Nacional de Minería
Social communicatorCitizen Participation and Communications Group.

February 2015 - August 2016

Support in decision making of immediate communications related to the entity; internal bulletin editing; support in the creation of communication products like institutional video, photo galleries, event coverage, billboards, social media content, and intranet updating; support in the activities related to the institution's mission.
  • Canal TRECE
Production assistant program El Crew
February 2014 - July 2014

Production assistant of "The Crew" magazine. Gathering material for the different notes of the program, organization of the weekly recording schedule, technical support, social media, writing the show´s invited artists profiles and editing biographies about the characters, movies and TV shows mentioned during the program.


  • RCN Channel
Junior Reader - internship
August 2012 - August 2013
Script analysis before air release.


Master in Cultural Management
Carlos III University, Madrid.

September 2018 - December 2019


Social communication
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 
2009 - 2014

Gimnasio Femenino.
Bogota Colombia


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